Care Teams

The Care Teams at Christ’s Church aim to serve people in tangible ways by providing practical and pastoral care, especially when they may be experiencing a crisis, major life change, or season of suffering. We want those in our care to experience the love of Jesus through the hands and feet of his body, the church. By providing care that is focused on his kingdom and reign, we can help each other love and obey Jesus.

Care Teams include the following:

  • Community Groups: gather in small groups during the week for discipleship, community building, and mutual care

  • Advocacy Team: supports those in crisis with practical resources for healing and restoration

  • Pastoral Care Teams: encourage and serve people during life changes and seasons of suffering

Community Groups

A lot of our care for one another happens in Community Groups. We study the Bible, eat together, pray together, and have fun. These groups are not organized around age groups or marital status - each one is made up of a variety of people from a variety of backgrounds, who share a love for Jesus and each other.

Tap the button below to see our list of Community Groups and when/where they’re meeting. If you’re not sure which group you want to visit, fill out the Contact Form and we’ll help you find a good fit.

Learn More

Christ’s Church Care Teams are overseen by Gabe and Jamie Lett. If you would like more information or you’re interested in serving on one of these teams, use the buttons below to email the Letts or see a list of current opportunities to serve.