The Christ’s Church Academy is a two-year, transformative learning environment where students will be introduced to the basic storyline of the Bible, learn the foundational doctrines of historic Christianity, and form habits that will help them become mature disciples of Jesus Christ.
While there are benefits to following the course of study in the order outlined below, it’s not required. Any semester will be a great starting point. We encourage participants to complete all three foundational courses, but you are welcome to do so in whatever order works best for you!
Semester 1: The Christian Story (Fall 2021)
We offered Semester 1 of The Academy in the fall of 2021. Students learned the basic story of the Bible through a timeline composed of thirteen eras. Reading and lectures focused on connecting individual stories in the Bible to the big, overarching narrative of Scripture. Tap the button below to view the class syllabus, reading assignments, and videos of each session.
Semester 2: Christian Belief (Spring 2022)
In the spring of 2022, we offered the second foundational course of our curriculum: Christian Belief. This class covered the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, plus a few of our distinctives at Christ’s Church. Tap the buttons below to view the syllabus and watch the videos from these sessions.
Semester 3: Christian Formation (Fall 2022)
This fall, we’re offering the third foundational course: Christian Formation. This class will focus on habits and commitments that help believers grow into mature disciples. For ten weeks, we’ll meet on Thursday nights from 6:30-8 PM, starting September 8. Tap the buttons below to view the syllabus and enroll today!
Semester 4: Elective (Spring 2022)
For the final semester, we plan to offer an elective course that will complement our foundational curriculum. For each two-year cycle of the Academy, we’ll offer a different elective course in the fourth semester. Subjects we’re considering for this first cycle include an overview of church history, a marriage or parenting seminar, and an in-depth study of a book of the Bible. Content for this course will be announced as the date approaches.
Going Forward
After Semester 4, we’ll begin a new cycle with “The Christian Story” and work our way through the rest of the courses again. By offering these courses on a recurring basis, we hope everyone at Christ’s Church will eventually have the opportunity participate in all of them.
Our goal in preparing this course of study is not merely to impart information. We hope to grow in our love for God and our delight in his word and character, as revealed to us by Scripture. We want to solidify our commitment to sound doctrine by exploring what we believe and why we believe it. We are zealous for the whole church to reach maturity in Christ, fully equipped and fully confident in the one who called us.
Enroll this semester, and let’s pursue these goals together!