The Academy: Lectures & Resources
Semester 1: The Christian Story (Fall 2021)
Teaching Supplements
Teaching Sessions
Session 1 - The Bible is One Story
In Session 1, we discuss the ways stories shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. The Bible is God's story in God's word. It's the only story that accurately describes who God is, who we are, and the world we live in.
Session 2 - The Creation Era
God created the whole world. He created the first family in his image to be in relationship with him. However, Adam and Eve chose to sin and were separated from God. This did not surprise God, and he immediately began his plan to restore relationship with his creation and save the world.
Session 3 - The Patriarchs Era
God chose a man named Abraham to be set apart and to be the “father” of a special family God would use in his plan to restore relationship with mankind. This family grew and eventually moved to Egypt because of a famine.
Session 4 - The Exodus Era
While in Egypt, the Hebrews became slaves. God delivered his people from slavery through Moses, who led them toward the Promised Land. God also gave them his law to show them how to live and what their relationship with God should look like.
Session 5 - Conquest & Judges Eras
After Moses died, Joshua led God’s people into the Promised Land. Then, for 400 years, God used judges to govern his rebellious people through seven recorded cycles of sin, punishment, repentance, and deliverance.
Session 6 - The Kingdom Era
Israel asked God for a king, like the other nations had. King David was the best king Israel ever had, and God promised him that someday, someone from his house would rule forever. David’s son, Solomon, built the temple but was the last king to rule Israel as a untied nation. It split into two, and Judah (the southern kingdom) had a few good kings and lasted longer. Israel (the northern kingdom) never had a good king and was the first to fall.
Session 7 - The Exile, Return, & Silence Eras
Because his people refused to repent and return to the covenant, God sent them into exile, away from the Promised Land. After 70 years, he sent them back. However, Israel would never have their own kingdom again and would continue to be ruled by other nations. Their return was followed by 400 years of prophetic silence, and during this time, a deep longing began to grow for the Messiah God had promised.
Session 8 - The Gospel Era
Jesus came just as the Old Testament prophets said he would. He announced that the Kingdom of God, the one that would last forever, was here, and the only way to get in was to believe in him. Some people conspired to have him crucified, but this had been prophesied, too. Three days after his burial, he rose from the dead and began appearing to his friends.
Session 9 - The Church Era
After Jesus returned to heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit to fill believers and enable them to carry on his work. God used Peter to lead and grow the new church in Jerusalem and throughout Israel.
Session 10 - The Mission & Future Eras
God chose Paul to take the Gospel to the Gentiles throughout the Roman Empire. As Paul and the other apostles planted and established churches, they encouraged them to remain steadfast to the end, putting their hope in Jesus. The last book of he Bible, Revelation, tells us that Jesus will return to judge the earth and make everything new. Those who didn’t love and obey him will be separated from him forever. Those who love and obey him will live with him forever in the place he has prepared for them.