The Digital Bulletin

Tap here to read about this week’s announcements and upcoming events

Welcome to Christ’s Church

We are a local expression of the family of God on mission with God.


Upcoming Events

We’d love to see you at an upcoming event! Here’s what’s happening at Christ’s Church over the next few weeks.

We’re planning to baptize people on Sunday, March 30! If you’ve come to faith in Jesus, and you’re thinking about taking this next step, we would love to talk with you. Tap the button below or text (417) 222-2412, and we’ll set up a time for you to chat with one of our elders about who Jesus is and what He has done for you.

College Students/Twenties/Young Adults - we want to feed you lunch! Please join us for a meal after the meeting on Sunday, March 30. All the food and drinks will be provided, and we’d love an opportunity to meet you and help you find ways to grow and connect at Christ’s Church.

On Sunday, April 6, parents will have the opportunity to publicly dedicate their children to the Lord. If you would like to be a participate, tap the button below or click here and complete the sign-up form by March 23. We'll send you more details on what to expect and how to prepare!

We’re planning a special gathering on Good Friday (April 18) that will include a meal together, followed by a time of prayer and worship. From 6-7 PM, we’ll eat in the multi-purpose room. Meat, drinks, and dessert will be provided — we do ask that everyone bring a side dish to share.

After that, we’ll pray and worship in the auditorium from 7-8 PM. Childcare will not be provided, but kids are welcome and encouraged to participate. If you plan to be there, please tap the image above to RSVP, so we can get a head count for the meal!


Join Us This Sunday

We gather on Sunday mornings at 10 AM at 5200 East 32nd Street in Joplin, MO. Tap the buttons below for more details about what to expect during our Sunday meetings or to learn more about our ministry to kids.